Emerging Leaders of New York Arts is a professional development and networking group for young arts administrators with over 2,000 members.

I founded the group in 2007 when I was new to New York and wanted to meet other young people working in arts administration. Through my job at the Arts & Business Council of New York, I put out a call and a group of smartypants dynamos coalesced. We created programming that allowed us to develop professional skills, engage with thought leaders, and challenge the stale assumptions of our industry. In our first four months we produced more than a dozen different events!

Over the next few years, we hosted monthly events including panel discussions, professional book clubs, art adventures, and networking happy hours. We formed a board and guided ourselves through strategic planning and branding. We built a website and bustling a listserv. We brokered a partnership with WNYC Radio, started a competitive fellowship, and helped other emerging leader groups across the country get started.

After five years of leading ELNYA, I handed the reigns to other leaders. Today, ELNYA continues to host great events and give young arts managers opportunities to learn and connect.